Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh by the way!!

Just in case you had not heard... I assisted in a lovely talk this morning titled "Eat, Shop, Play with out throwing your money away!" My co-bouncy ball and I (by the grace of God) were able to impart the wisdom that has been imparted upon us to the lovely women at EPAG's Gather Mom's group! They were such a great audience(even when I opened with the worst possible attention getter, sheesh!)!! If your even a tiny bit curious as to what it was all about, information shared or just wanna see whats inside the head of a bouncy ball (or two:) here is a link . Gretchen also has her own blog, IDMommy, if you look below at the blogs I follow she is one of them, she has more links to share. Feel free to poke around, ask questions, soak up the information from our trial and errors, and share your experiences with us! Because with out iron to sharpen iron, we would be wanting for a sharp knife!! Thank you all for your part in our presentation, your prayers, and attending!!

1 comment:

Gretchen Fleener said...

Thanks so much for sharing all of your awesome wisdom today! You enlightened and inspired many moms today including myself, and even caused a few jaws to drop with your amazing money saving tips...good stuff!!