Thursday, December 29, 2011

Facing my biggest challenge... ME!

Ever met your match? Locked horns with the biggest bull on the block? Smacked into the hardest wall ever?Only to find out that the real obstacle is Y. O. U.?!? I know I have many times, in fact I'm what you might call stubborn, pig headed, dense, obstinate etc... when it comes to learning life's lesson's. For example: when your Father say's don't touch the tool box he means the handle as well. OR when your parents say "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you", their right, it does. OR when you leave that huge project for the last minuet and then are shocked by the grade it received. OR when you start training your body to be healthy and it turns out not to be so easy?!? AHHHCK!!
Follow the link to my newest challenge I have set before my self along with making daily devotions as essential to my day as breathing. A seed was planted in my head by a old family friend via Facebook, it was then watered by friends and family members as I began to think out loud "I'm going to do a couch to 5K". The final push were two of my friends saying "I'll do this with you! Come on! Together we can do this" The treadmill was dusted off and the couch to 5K training began. The hiccups have been many, the excuses have been long and, the will power has been weak. Yet, (Proverbs 27:17) "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." My friends and family have been right along side me encouraging me, letting me know I have encouraged them, sharing their "failures", expressing their frustrations, yet pushing me forward when all I want to do is give up and go to bed!! Funny thing is I feel so much better after I've worked out, drank my water, and read my devotions. So why all this "belly aching"? Why am I beating my head against a brick wall? I have no idea, its just the way God created me and I am trying my best to embrace my inner bouncy ball and all that comes with it! Including the stubborn, pig headed, dense, obstinate etc... side of me!
Soo... I wrote this just to let you know; I've been there too (if you haven't guessed the examples are from my life.) I know what happens when you close your self off, ignore the gentle prodding of the Holy Spirit who is whispering in your ear "Get your degree in early childhood! Your not a business management major!" Pull a "Jonah" and flunk out of college...awkward! I praise the Lord daily for his promise in Romans 8:28 "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God—those whom he has called according to his plan." and my life verse 1 Corinthians 15:10 "by the grace of God I am what I am, His grace to me is not with out affect..." And my newest verse to chant as I'm "DYING" on the treadmill Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." and those HE has surrounded me with!
I leave you with the quote that inspired this blog... "Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells 'CAN'T'. But you don't listen, you just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper 'can', and you discover the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are."- Dave Scott, U.S. Triathlete-

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm a mess!!

It's a great song! Listen to it! Even if the quality is "poor".

I know it's a MESS!! But please oh please let your kiddos have those sensory experiences even if you have to pay a preschool teacher 3day's a week or a special art teacher so they can make a MESS!! A few 'MESS' examples are shaving cream, finger painting, 'Goop/gack' (corn starch and water), soap, glue painting, glitter... the list can go on and on my friend. If you need help finding messy activities I can help with that!! If you need help finding ways to make it less of a MESS and more enjoyable for all person's involved I can help with that too! But please, oh please! Let your babies, kiddos, pre-teens, teenagers... make a mess!!
We have a rule in this house "No ginormous messes! (with out a consenting adult). So I try my best to once a week have a GINORMOUS mess day!! Shaving cream has been my 'go to' because it is the easiest to clean up! But today we tried 'goop/gack' and it was a big hit! Filled about 20 min of kiddo's time (we added washable paints to stretch the fun!) then 20min of clean up(kids, floor, table...) and they reieved a great sensory experience! and it really didn't "cost" me any thing except time which is an expense I am willing to expend in the pursuit of raising the my blessing. So many valuable lesson's are learned when GINORMOUS messes are aloud. Like 'it's okay to get dirty', or 'its a solid AND a liquid', 'cleaning is necessary', 'making messes is okay', and a important one 'life get's messy! just clean your self up and keep on'.
So...those squeamish and faint of heart at the thought of play dough, finger paints and shaving cream! Fear not! This phase in life is short lived, so live it up! Make a MESS!! There will be plenty of time to have a clean and neat house later in life (when you'll be arguing about their MESSy room's;)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Question for you to ponder...

Will instant access, internet, facebook, twitter etc... create a generation without character and/or courage?

Character and courage require a meekness that is not being fostered when all you have to do is "hit send" and any one of your 500+ closest friends can commiserate with you. I my self have done it, having a bad day... post it on FB and my friends make me feel better. At a rough point in life... post it on twitter and even people who aren't your friends can commiserate with you.
Chuck Swindoll says " The real test of courage are much quieter. They are inner test, like remaining faithful when nobody is looking, like enduring pain when the room is empty, like standing alone when your misunderstood."
Psalms 118
6The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.

What can man do to me?

7The LORD is with me; he is my helper.

I will look in triumph on my enemies.

8It is better to take refuge in the LORD

than to trust in man.

9It is better to take refuge in the LORD

than to trust in princes.

The Lord is where our sorrows should go! Get in the habit of sending 'knee mail' before email and reading HIS book before you Facebook. We( as "grown ups") have a responsibility to lead this next generation (parent's or not). It should scare you, it does me, how easy it is for the next generation to breeze through life with out learning valuable lessons such as character and courage. Disciplining my son for hitting a friend, (who has just hit him), isn't something I want to do, I'd rather tell him "nice shot" but instead I pray that I am teaching him the importance of turning the other cheek. Giving him the ability to build upon his experience as a child and the bigger lesson's in life will be just a little easier to understand and he can grow in his character, build upon his courage and make straight his paths.

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs isn't just speaking to parents, it is also speaking to all adult's who have 'direct access' to children. The old adage "It takes a village to raise a child" is true. Each person who comes into a child's life leaves something behind, let that be a quality lesson learned. I pray character, courage and a heart for the Lord over "my small child" and all those precious gifts I am directly connected with and so should you.