Tuesday, June 28, 2011

more BUGS!?!? in my food

Another twist on an old favorite! just to add texture in a non threatening way, also other forms of protein.
BUGS in noodles
Mac N cheese (how ever your family prepares it)
Black beans

1.) make your macaroni and cheese 2.) add black beans to the macaroni and cheese 3.) Serve BUGS in noodles and let the kids "play" with the theme:)

IDEA!! Make a center piece out of bugs and plants! Have a magnifier at the table so they can investigate their food. Maybe put on "safari" hats and be bug hunters! If your kiddo is as "picky" as mine, playing at the dinner table (in a respectable fashion) is a much needed thing! B always had 2-3 "meal time buddies" to help him eat his food! (just make sure they are dishwasher safe!)

BUGS!!in my food?!?

Soo.... another picky eater recipe! Finding way's to shorten the eating time (from 2hrs to 45/1hr) kept me on the hunt and forced me to be a little creative with food. I am sure I am not the first person to blog about this, "cook" this, or even think of this but! I figured I'd share it and maybe it's helpful to one.

Ant's On a Log/Frogs on a lily pad
bread/leftover pancakes
peanut(other nut) butter
cinnamon sugar/ sprinkles

1.) prep carrots into thin sticks, wide enough to spread peanut butter on 2.) spread peanut butter onto bread and carrots 3.) adorn peanut buttered carrot(log) with raisins(bugs) 4.) cut bread into four equal parts 5.) cut banana into circles 6.) place one banana circle (frog) on each lily pad (bread/peanut butter) 7.) sprinkle frog with cinnamon sugar/sprinkles 8.) serve with milk and you have a complete meal!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Picky Eaters!!

You know how you have this wonderful plan for your life and its just so wonderful that you tell God that about it. Of course after wiping tears of mirth, our loving Savior kindly reminds us HE is in charge!!(thank you Jesus! Because I would have made a really bad aristocrat's wife, schmoozing is NOT my thing:) In this wise wisdom I asked the Lord if he would be so kind to NOT give me a picky eater!! Because of all the frustrating characteristics children exemplify picky eater's were my Achilles heal! I have now grown a little more patient and a little more tolerant of the small children (and occasional adult) who is VERY particular about what they like and dislike to eat. I being a lover and enjoyer of food still find pickiness a baffling trait! I would like to thank my son for being God's instrument of change for me, I'm sure it wasn't easy because I am not one to change quickly:) Here is a recipe that came in my desperation to get my small child to EAT!!(he really just didn't like the actual act of eating, oddness to me?!?)
Veggie Pancakes
1 cup flour
1/2 scoop protein powder(3T)
3 T baking powder
1 egg
1 pureed steamed veggies
1/4 cup oil
Instructions: 1.) whisk all dry ingredients together 2.) whisk all wet ingredients together 3.) whisk ALL ingredients together (may need a little more milk to moisten) 4.) cook pancakes 5.) add butter and syrup 6.) serve! They'll never know they are eating vegetables!!