All of this is to say going to these stores is still great for the budget! I just re stalked my spice cupboard for $5.57+tax. It is a little time consuming when you have to locate the spice on the massive shelving, write down the name and pu#, and package it up! It can seem daunting and a little less appealing but, when I am able to buy 5 spices (including FRESH ginger) for the same price as one bottle of dill in the store I think this pursuit of bulk spices is worth my time and possibly yours!
Other benefits of bulk spice buying is the ability to choose how much of each spice you purchase. In our family during the warm weather months the dill usage is UP. However during the winter months the usage of oregano and thyme goes UP. So I can adjust my spices to the season, keep waste down and cook as flavorful as I wish without worrying about breaking the bank!