Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I must admit I have very fond memories of Whole Foods ("back in the day":) when they used wax pencils to write on plastic containers or those extra wide twist ties to close the baggies. These fond memories extend to Sam's club when it wasn't stream lined and the only option you had for a cart was a flat bed!! Good times! But aside from wonderful childhood memories of shopping for groceries (which is a large part of life when there are 8 kids in the family... just say'in.
All of this is to say going to these stores is still great for the budget! I just re stalked my spice cupboard for $5.57+tax. It is a little time consuming when you have to locate the spice on the massive shelving, write down the name and pu#, and package it up! It can seem daunting and a little less appealing but, when I am able to buy 5 spices (including FRESH ginger) for the same price as one bottle of dill in the store I think this pursuit of bulk spices is worth my time and possibly yours!
Other benefits of bulk spice buying is the ability to choose how much of each spice you purchase. In our family during the warm weather months the dill usage is UP. However during the winter months the usage of oregano and thyme goes UP. So I can adjust my spices to the season, keep waste down and cook as flavorful as I wish without worrying about breaking the bank!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Have you ever felt built up, encouraged, and maybe a little bit prideful? I know I have and today was one of those days. After having a wonderful day of being sharpened by a dear friend I left feeling very confident in my self... as I was driving home I thought to my self "how am I going to guard against being prideful"?
Well God through http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/devotions/Meyer_Trainable.aspx and Joyce Meyer had the answer for me; 1Corinthians 1:25-31
(yes I'm going to type it out because, lets be honest here, are you really going to go and dig out your bible? didn't think so:)
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak thing of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things-and the things that are not- to nullify the things that are, so no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus who has become for us wisdom from God that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption. Therefore, as it is written; "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord".
So the time of me basking in my "competency's" is gone and I again cling to the verse given to me a few years back 1Corinthians 15:10 "By the GRACE of GOD I am what I am. His GRACE to me is not with out effect. No, I worked harder than all of them- yet not I but the GRACE of God that was with me." I am confidant in the Lord, I know that through him ALL things are possible and no plan of his is thwarted! (Job 42:2 Brayden's memory verse).

Poster Board:)

Yes, I am one of those "weird" people who gets excited for school to start! All those brand new crayons, markers, glue, tape, stickers, pencils?!?!?oh my! I just love that isle:) I love it for its potential to create something wonderful like: games, teach tools, crafts, gifts and happy birthday cards! And don't even get me started on the smell of new crayons... its AH-MAZING!! Fresh out of the box, not worn down, new and just calling my name "Jessica, use me, it can make something awesome!" -yes I speak to inanimate objects and they talk back! I know this concerns you for my mental health! I assure you (thus far) I have been cleared by mental professionals. (I also encourage small children to follow in my foot steps so...you may want to pray for them instead of me who is so far gone down the "rabbit hole" I'm a lost cause!) *insert laughter*- But in all honnesty if I can get this excited about "school supplies" how much more is God's excitement and love for us?!? ..."I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness".(Jeremiah 31:3) or Psalms 136 "his love endures forever!" (as a crabby "pre-teen/teen" I really resented my mom for making me say this EVERY Friday for like EVER?!?!) But now that I'm 30 old I see... thanks mom! Think on these things every time you are consumed with excitement/passion for something or some one remember just how much more our Father in heaven is excited about us!!
p.s. there will be pictures of my creations to come...dun dun dun!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

what have I agreed to do?!?

The title almost says it all "What have I agreed to do?!?" I had this BRILLIANT idea of giving a speech/talk with my "co-bouncy ball" host, all about budgets and how to have "fun" with in them! It sounded great, still sounds like an amazing talk, but lately I have been doubting my "qualifications" in this area. I am only 30 old, have only been married 10.5years, only have one child and only have my Associates degree in early childhood. What on earth made me think that I could somehow have any sort of wisdom or insight into how to live on a budget?? 1Corinthians 15:10!! Oh yeah, it is not me or my qualifications that matter at all! It is what I am willing to allow God to do through me that counts. DOH! I just felt led to share these thoughts with you, because I am really good at "putting on a happy face" and keeping cool as a cucumber when inside I am wasting away(2Corn. 4:16-18)! Freaking out! Loosing all "control" on the inside of me while, the outside says "I have this!". Lovely contradiction isnt it? Well Mark 10:27 "Jesus looked at them and said, " with man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" or Job 42:2 "I know that you can do ALL things, no plan of yours is thwarted." Or as Steven Furtick suggests ‎"The greatest humility you could ever demonstrate is to put yourself in a position where if God doesn't come through, you're going to look stupid." So I am going to do just that, this speech/project to share the wealth of knowledge God has given to me with others so that they might benefit from it will leave me look'in pretty silly if God doesn't show up. Without God working through this bouncy ball and co-bouncy ball its just that... words and pretty pictures.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spotted Turtle Bread

BEANS! BEANS! BEANS!! These legumes I used to abhor are now a large part of my diet, much to the chagrin of my family. Here is a great recipe for those who haven't quite crossed over to the "other side" the side of the BEANS!!

Spotted Turtle Bread
1T of yeast (prepare according to package directions)
1c warm water
3.5-4.5c of flour (I added garlic, oregino, thyme, salt, pepper)
3/4 c cooked, black beans
1.5T oil (more if using whole wheat flour)

  1. Make yeast according to directions
  2. combine water and 2c of flour in the mixer for 5min
  3. Let it rest 10min
  4. add yeast mixture and remaining ingredients alternately, adding only enough flour to make soft dough not sticky
  5. Turn out dough onto floured board and knead 1-2 min
  6. Shape into small/large "turtle" shaped rolls and place, sides touching, in oiled or buttered baking dish
  7. cover and let rise until very light and, more than doubled in bulk 1hr or more
  8. Bake at 400 for small turtles and 45 min for large turtles or until golden brown
  9. Cool and serve!


For the longest time I just assumed people who blogged were only those who had multiple credentials behind them to validate what they blogged. Now I see that anyone who has a reasonable knowledge of the internet is able to share their ideas with the WORLD!! or whom ever choses to listen. I have toyed with the idea and even started this site 3 years ago after the birth of my son. After publishing it I found something shiny (Facebook) and moved on. It has been a few years since I have even considered my self in the elite rankings of a blogger! ( I still hold all who blog responsibly in very high esteem.) Yet the idea presented it self (a God thing?) three weeks ago, last week, and just today through a dear friend who said "you should blog!" "you have some really great ideas". So without further adieu this is my first posting on my blog spot! I am going to start out slowly and see if this is really a "God thing" or just something I crave to do to make my self feel more important... yes folks I do like to stroke my own ego at times, oops! Please feel free to make comments (be respectful) and share ideas and bounce along with me!! You may need to crack open a diet coke before you do!! Blessings-The Bouncy Ball:)